[ROOT] Error: class,struct,union or type TProof not defined

From: Andre Holzner (Andre.Holzner@cern.ch)
Date: Sun Nov 26 2000 - 22:49:49 MET


another (hopefully) trivial problem:

Here is LlrTupleInfo.C:

class LlrTupleInfo
  LlrTupleInfo(TTree *ntuple)
    TCanvas *c = new TCanvas;
    delete c;

(I basically want to use Draw() to read the values from the ntuple after
some user defined
cut into arrays and I don't want to leave canvases lying around after
calling the constructor).

I do:
root [0]  .L LlrTupleInfo.C
root [1]  TFile *infile = new TFile("test.root");
root [2]  LlrTupleInfo *tuple1 = new LlrTupleInfo((TTree

which works fine.
But trying to open a second file (or the same file again) fails:

root [3]  TFile *infile2 = new TFile("test.root");
Error: class,struct,union or type TProof not defined 
FILE:/tmp/filekBIxS1_cint LINE:1
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

I also saw the same message using h7000 (and infile->cd(); ) instead of

Does somebody have a solution ? 

(I'm using  2.26/00 on Linux).



Andre Holzner     | +41 22 76 76750 
Bureau 32 2-C13   | Building 32     
CERN              | Office 2-C13    
CH-1211 Geneve 23 | http://wwweth.cern.ch/~holzner/

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