[ROOT] ROOT I/O: IMPORTANT announcement

From: Rene Brun (Rene.Brun@cern.ch)
Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 11:41:01 MET

The version 3.0 of ROOT currently under development includes several 
enhancements in the I/O sub system, such as: 

     -A new Automatic Class Schema Evolution system. 
     -The StreamerInfo saved to Root files. 
     -A self-describing object format. 
     -Full support for STL.
     -An automatic code generator from the class StreamerInfo. 

A description of the ROOT I/O system including the new features
can be found at URL:


We invite you to read this document carefully. We strongly encourage
as many users as possible to test this development version
available only from our main CVS repository and give us feedback.

If everything goes well, we are planning to release this new version
around Christmas.

In the next phase of developments, we are planning to extend the
TTree split mode to take advantage of the new system and remove
all limitations specific to this mode.

  Rene & Fons

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