Re: [ROOT] Draw option "prof"

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 16:31:57 MET

Hi Suzanne,
The TTree::Draw option "prof" is more than just a drawing option.
It generates a TProfile instead of a TH2F.
Note also that you can specify "prof" or "profs"
"profs" generates a TProfile with error on the spread
"prof"  generates a TProfile with error on the mean
see TProfile.

Rene Brun

There is no point in drawing a TH2F with the prof option.

Suzanne Panacek wrote:
> Hi ROOTers,
> The draw option "prof" seems to be specific to the TTree::Draw() method.
> I imagine there is a reason it is not an option for a 2D histo Draw (i.e.
> TH2::Draw("prof")) and listed with the other Draw options. Can anyone tell
> me?
> Are there other draw options that are specific to a TTree but not allowed in
> a TH1::Draw?
> Suzanne Panacek

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