Re: [ROOT] building from source on Win32

From: Valery Fine (
Date: Mon Dec 25 2000 - 00:15:06 MET

Hello, Dave.

> Does anyone know anything about ROOTMACROPATH and how it is supposed to be
> set?

There is the "include/config.h" header file.
One is supposed to create it "on fly" to incorporate the current compilation parameters.
I wonder this file is generated by some "makefile". That is used to compile ROOT.

For STAR experiment we provide the PERL subroutine to create this file:

   MakeFile $env 'include/config.h', (
         "//  This is file is automatically generated                  ",
         "#ifndef HAVE_CONFIG                                          ",
         "error Trying to use config.h, though HAVE_CONFIG is undefined",
         "#endif                                                       ",
         "#define PREFIX        \"$prefix\"                    ",
         "#define ROOTBINDIR    \"$bindir\"                    ",
         "#define ROOTLIBDIR    \"$libdir\"                    ",
         "#define ROOTINCDIR    \"$incdir\"                    ",
         "#define ROOTETCDIR    \"$etcdir\"                    ",
         "#define ROOTDATADIR   \"$datadir\"                   ",
         "#define ROOTMACRODIR  \"$macrodir\"                  ",
         "#define ROOTSRCDIR    \"$srcdir\"                    ",
         "#define ROOTICONPATH  \"$iconpath\"                  ",
         "#define EXTRAICONPATH \"$extraiconpath\"             ",
         "#define TTFFONTDIR    \"$ttffontdir\"                ",
         "#define TTFLIBDIR     \"$ttflibdir\"                 ",
         "#define CINTINCDIR    \"$cintincdir\"                "

 Those macros do not affect the ROOT itself. It is to be used by run-time script compiler.
  Hope this helps,

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