[ROOT] Problems with TString and TMatrix in class member functions

From: cstrato@EUnet.at
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 17:38:46 MET

Dear Rene

Thank you very much for answering my questions. Since you said, you do not
understand my second question regarding TMatrix without having a working example,
I have implemented a "TestClass" which I compile as library "TestClass.so"
and use in macro "MacroTestClass.C.
Below I have attached all necessary files.

When I write a simple macro (see TestMacro.C below), all works fine, but
when I put the same code in a member function I cannot compile the library.
However, when I put TMatrix on the stack and comment out the TString code,
everything works fine.

I have the following questions:

1, Why can I not use vMatrix(i,j) when TMatrix is created on the heap?
   I get the following error when compiling TestClass:

[christian@cookiebook rootcode]$ gmake -f Makefile4TestClass
g++ -O -Wall -fPIC -fsigned-char -I/usr/X11/include -I/opt/root/include -c TestClass.cxx
TestClass.cxx: In method `void TestClass::FTest2(int, int)':
TestClass.cxx:59: `vMatrix' cannot be used as a function
TestClass.cxx:62: `vMatrix' cannot be used as a function
TestClass.cxx:63: `vMatrix' cannot be used as a function
gmake: *** [TestClass.o] Error 1

2, Why can I not append a number to TString?
   I get the following error when compiling TestClass:

[christian@cookiebook rootcode]$ gmake -f Makefile4TestClass
g++ -O -Wall -fPIC -fsigned-char -I/usr/X11/include -I/opt/root/include -c TestClass.cxx
TestClass.cxx: In method `void TestClass::FTest1(const char *)':
TestClass.cxx:40: ambiguous overload for `TString & += Int_t &'
/opt/root/include/TString.h:384: candidates are: class TString & TString::operator +=(const
TString &)
/opt/root/include/TString.h:387:                 class TString & TString::operator +=(char)

/opt/root/include/TString.h:390:                 class TString & TString::operator +=(long
/opt/root/include/TString.h:393:                 class TString & TString::operator +=(long
unsigned int)
gmake: *** [TestClass.o] Error 1

Thank you once again for your help.

Best regards
Christian Stratowa
Vienna, Austria

My system: PowerBook running LinuxPPC 2000
           root 3.00/00  19 December 2000

// TestMacro.C
// test: append to string
   TString s = "Test";
   for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
      s = "Test";
      cout << s << endl;

   Int_t vNRows = 3;
   Int_t vNCols = 4;
// test: matrix on heap
   TMatrix *vMatrix1 = new TMatrix(vNRows,vNCols);
   for (Int_t i=0;i<vNRows;i++) {
      for (Int_t j=0;j<vNCols;j++) {
         vMatrix1(i,j) = i + j;
   cout << "Matrix1(0,0) = " << vMatrix1(0,0) << endl;
   cout << "Matrix1(NRows-1,NCols-1) = " << vMatrix1(vNRows-1,vNCols-1) << endl;
   delete vMatrix1;

// test: matrix on stack
   TMatrix vMatrix2(vNRows,vNCols);
   for (Int_t i=0;i<vNRows;i++) {
      for (Int_t j=0;j<vNCols;j++) {
         vMatrix2(i,j) = i + j;
   cout << "Matrix2(0,0) = " << vMatrix2(0,0) << endl;
   cout << "Matrix2(NRows-1,NCols-1) = " << vMatrix2(vNRows-1,vNCols-1) << endl;

// MacroTestClass.C

   TestClass *vTestClass = new TestClass("Test",1.2,1,2,3);


   delete vTestClass;

// TestClass.h
#ifndef __TestClass__
#define __TestClass__

#include <iostream.h>
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TString.h"

class TestClass: public TObject {

      TString       fText;
      Float_t       fFloat;
      Int_t         fInt;
      Int_t         fX;
      Int_t         fY;

   public :

      TestClass(TString vText, Float_t vFloat, Int_t vInt, Int_t x, Int_t y);

      void FTest1(const char *vText);
      void FTest2(Int_t vNRows,Int_t vNCols);

      void FSetFloat(Float_t vFloat) {fFloat = vFloat;}
      void FSetInt(Int_t vInt) {fInt = vInt;}
      void FSetX(Int_t vX) {fX = vX;}
      void FSetY(Int_t vY) {fY = vY;}

      Float_t FGetFloat() const {return fFloat;}
      Int_t FGetInt() const {return fInt;}
      Int_t FGetX() const {return fX;}
      Int_t FGetY() const {return fY;}

      ClassDef(TestClass,1) //TestClass


// TestClass.cxx
#include "TestClass.h"
#include "TMatrix.h"


TestClass::TestClass(): TObject()
   cout << "TestClass::TestClass" << endl;

TestClass::TestClass(TString vText, Float_t vFloat, Int_t vInt, Int_t x, Int_t y):
   cout << "TestClass::TestClass" << endl;

   fText = vText;
   fFloat = vFloat;
   fInt = vInt;
   fX = x;
   fY = y;

   cout << "~TestClass::TestClass" << endl;

void TestClass::FTest1(const char *vText)
   cout << "TestClass::FTest1" << endl;

// test: append to string
   TString s = vText;
//* cannot compile
   for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
      s = "xxx";
      cout << s << endl;
   cout << "String = " << s << endl;

void TestClass::FTest2(Int_t vNRows,Int_t vNCols)
   cout << "TestClass::FTest2" << endl;

// test: fill matrix
//   TMatrix *vMatrix = new TMatrix(vNRows,vNCols);
   TMatrix vMatrix(vNRows,vNCols);

   for (Int_t i=0;i<vNRows;i++) {
      for (Int_t j=0;j<vNCols;j++) {
         vMatrix(i,j) = i + j;
   cout << "Matrix(0,0) = " << vMatrix(0,0) << endl;
   cout << "Matrix(NRows-1,NCols-1) = " << vMatrix(vNRows-1,vNCols-1) << endl;

//   delete vMatrix;

// TestClassLinkDef.h
#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class TestClass+;


// Makefile4TestClass
# Makefile for class TestClass.
# shell: gmake -f Makefile4TestClass

ARCH          = linuxppcegcs

CXX           =
ObjSuf        = o
SrcSuf        = cxx
ExeSuf        =
DllSuf        = so
OutPutOpt     = -o

ROOTCFLAGS   := $(shell root-config --cflags)
ROOTLIBS     := $(shell root-config --libs)
ROOTGLIBS    := $(shell root-config --glibs)

ifeq ($(ARCH),linuxegcs)
# Linux with egcs (>= RedHat 5.2)
CXX           = g++
CXXFLAGS      = -O -Wall -fPIC
LD            = g++
LDFLAGS       = -O
SOFLAGS       = -shared

ifeq ($(ARCH),linuxppcegcs)
# MkLinux with egcs/glibc
CXX           = g++
CXXFLAGS      = -O -Wall -fPIC
LD            = g++
LDFLAGS       = -O
SOFLAGS       = -shared -Wl,-soname,

LIBS          = $(ROOTLIBS) $(SYSLIBS)


TESTCLASSO       = TestClass.$(ObjSuf) TestClassDict.$(ObjSuf)
TESTCLASSS       = TestClass.$(SrcSuf) TestClassDict.$(SrcSuf)
TESTCLASSSO      = TestClass.$(DllSuf)

OBJS          = $(TESTCLASSO)


.SUFFIXES: .$(SrcSuf) .$(ObjSuf) .$(DllSuf)

all:            $(PROGRAMS)

                $(LD) $(SOFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(OutPutOpt) $@

  @rm -f $(OBJS) core

.SUFFIXES: .$(SrcSuf)


TestClass.$(ObjSuf): TestClass.h
TestClassDict.$(SrcSuf): TestClass.h TestClassLinkDef.h
 @echo "Generating dictionary TestClassDict..."
 @rootcint -f TestClassDict.$(SrcSuf) -c TestClass.h TestClassLinkDef.h

 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<


Rene Brun wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> > 3, Why can I not use vMatrix(x,y) when TMatrix is created on the heap?
> I do not understand this point without having a working example.
> Rene Brun

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