Hello rooters, In the doc for the class TAttFill, I read: *-* Line attributes are taking from the argument list [...] *-* width : expressed in pixel units What is this 'pixel' ? If I give the same value in different condition, I obtain very different visual output (and certainly not the same number of screen pixels). How is the computation of the actual width done ? Exemple: <<<< //File test.C { TCanvas cnv1("toto","LineWidth size",2); TH1D *h1=new TH1D("h1","h1",100,-10,10); h1->FillRandom("gaus"); TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","gaus"); f1->SetLineWidth(5); h1->Fit("f1"); TCanvas cnv2("toto2","LineWidth size2",2); cnv2->Divide(1,2); toto2_1->cd(); h1->Draw(); toto2_2->cd(); h1->Draw(); } >>>> On my system (ix86 Linux with ROOT v3.00.02) the line width is very different between the 2 pads, and if it could be near 5 pixels on cnv1 it's at the most 2 or 3 on cnv2. I understand that a scaling has to be done, but I would like to know the rules that are applied to do it... Yannick PS1: On my system, the previous test break CINT at second invocation (did I made an obvious mistake?): * Version 3.00/02 18 January 2001 * root [0] .x test.C (fits vals) OK root [1] .x test.C Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: h1 (fits val) *** Break *** segmentation violation PS2: The HTML presentation of the class is very useful and clever, nicely presented, full of coments and hyperlinks, but why cant it be the same for the .h files ? If I have the bad luck to seek for informations related to an inline method, I'm send to an ugly looking file without any fontification, neither comments or help of any kind. Is there a good reason for it ?
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