Re: [ROOT] TGMainFrame

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 11:28:45 MET

Hi Thomas,

   what you should do is the following:

- add a single "TList *fWidgets" to you class to which you add all
  widgets you create in your dialog. In the dialog dtor
  you then call "fWidgets->Delete()" to clean them all up in one go.
  (note I was mistaken in my previous mail, the TGCompositeFrame
  dtor does not delete the widgets it contains, it deletes only the
  wrapper objects in which the widgets are wrapped).

- to avoid having to search for the widget pointer use instead of the
  ProcessMessage() event handling model the new signal/slot model. An
  extensive example can be found in guitest.C (as opposed to guitest.cxx
  which uses the ProcessMessage() method). See for example 
  TestDialog::HandleButtons in guitest.C as an example where the system
  provides you directly a pointer to the button that caused the action.

Note also that making a general way of finding a widget using its widget
id is not possible. This method could only return you a TGWindow* (lowest
common base class for all widgets) and then you would have to add a huge
if statement where you would determine the actual widget's class and
cast the widget to this class. Only then can you call the correct member
functions for the widget.

Cheers, Fons.

Thomas Bretz wrote:
> Hi,
> in my opinion it isn't convinient to store pointers to all dialog
> control in your class. For a dialog with many many controls it's getting
> to be a real mess! And there is not a real need for it.
> In the constructor create your controls.
> In the Process-Function process the messages and get the pointer from
> some list only if you need them.
> The controls can be deleted automatically.
> I think something like this would give your window-class a better
> structure.
> Regards,
> Thomas.

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