[ROOT] rootcint and pointers to pointers

From: Bill Seligman (seligman@nevis1.nevis.columbia.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 18:40:27 MET

I've got two ROOT questions... but I'll split them up into two messages
to make it easier for the root experts to respond to them.

The web page at <http://root.cern.ch/root/SchemaEvolution.html> implies
that ROOT 3 will one day support general arrays of pointers.  Does it do
so now, as of version 3.00/04?

I tried the following code:

class LArRootHit;

class LArRootEvent : public TObject 

  Int_t m_numberHits;  // Number of hits in event.

  LArRootHit** m_hits; //[m_numberHits] Array of pointers to hits

When I ran this through rootcint, I got the message:

*** Datamember LArRootEvent::m_hits: pointer to pointer (need manual

And sure enough, when I looked at LArRootEvent::Streamer, I saw that the
I/O for m_hits was commented out.

Have I made a mistake?  Or is that I have to wait for a later version of
ROOT 3?  Or have I misunderstood, and rootcint will never be able to
handle this case?
Bill Seligman       | mailto://seligman@nevis.columbia.edu
Nevis Labs          | http://www.nevis.columbia.edu/~seligman/
PO Box 137          |
Irvington NY 10533  | Phone: (914) 591-2823

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