Re: [ROOT] Postscript

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 18:09:45 MET

Hi Roland,

The default canvas size when running in batch mode is set to 712 pixels in X
and 950 pixels in Y (of course, only the ratio of the two is used and it
corresponds to the A4 format).
In your case, you are probably creating a canvas by calling one of the
constructors where the size is not specified. Use a constructor like:
   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","my canvas",10,10,800,600);
in both interactive and batch mode. You will then get the same orientation
on the Postscript file.

Rene Brun

Roland Bramm wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a script wich produces Files using the canvas.print()
> command.
> If i start Root in thze batch mode (-b) then all createt .ps Files are
> portrais, and not landscapes, as in the case i start root not in batch.
> Is there s possibility to give root the orientation ?
> This is not possible vie Tpostscript, because this has no effect on the
> canvas.print command. Otherwise in my case it is not possible to use the
> way quoted in the TPostscript html help.
> Best Regards
> Roland

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