Re: [ROOT] TLorentzVector trouble

From: Eric Anciant (
Date: Wed Feb 21 2001 - 10:22:03 MET

salut Matthieu,

Matthieu Guillo wrote:
> Hi Rooters,
> I am trying to use the TLorentzVector class along with the
> TLorentzRotation. I have some trouble understanding how it works, and the
> manual is not clear about it.
> 1) I want to perform a simple Lorentz Boost. I tried the following code:
>   float fEnergy = 3.2;
>   const float c_fProtonMass = 0.93827;
>   TLorentzVector v4Beam(0., 0., fEnergy, fEnergy);
>   TLorentzVector v4Target(0., 0., 0, c_fProtonMass);
>   // Boost to the CM
>   TLorentzRotation lzTransform;
>   lzTransform.Boost(-(v4Beam + v4Target).Beta());
>   v4Target.Transform(lzTransform);
>   v4Beam.Transform(lzTransform);
>   cout << (v4Target+v4Beam).X() << " " << (v4Target+v4Beam).Y() << " " <<
> (v4Target+v4Beam).Z() << endl;
> The components are not 0! What am I doing wrong?

I don't know about TLorentzRotation Class,
but it looks to me what you want to do is:

TLorentzVector v4Beam(0., 0., fEnergy, fEnergy);
TLorentzVector v4Target(0., 0., 0, c_fProtonMass);
TLorentzVector v4In = v4Beam+v4Target; // incoming 4-V

v4Beam.Boost(-v4In.BoostVector()); // boost to system CM 
v4target.Boost(-v4In.BoostVector()); // boost to system CM

(BTW check in CLAS packages clasroot/clasana/
for exemples of using TLorentzVectors..)

don't know about you second question..


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