[ROOT] Getting TGraphErrors objects drawn after reading them from a file...

From: Thomas Feser (tfeser@student.physik.uni-mainz.de)
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 17:13:49 MET

Hi again,
  I fortunately managed now to store my TGraphErrors objects properly into
a root file. (I posted that question yesterday.)

  The problem now is:
  I can't draw them the way I'd like to have it.
  My steps are:
  - After starting CINT, I say
  - TFile *myfile = TFile::Open("myfile.root")
  - myfile->cd();
  - TGraphErrors *g = NULL;
  - g = (TGraphErrors*) myfile->Get("my_TGraphErrors_Object");
The pointer g does not point to 0 after this step any more, therefore the
object seems to have been found. However, both
  - g->Draw();
  - g->Draw("P");
produce an empty default "TCanvas"es only. Am I missing an important step

  I can draw the graph by clicking through the TBrowser menus, but in the
root versions I'm using (I tried 2.24.04 and 2.25.03) the DrawPanel for
graphs is not yet included. So I can't get rid of the lines between the
points that are drawn by default, which I have to.

  Thanks in advance,

-     Thomas Feser                                                     -
-                                                                      -
-     Institut fuer Physik                phone: +49-6131-39-25165     -
-     ETAP/AMANDA                           fax: +49-6131-39-25169     -
-     Staudingerweg 7 / 04-426                                         -
-     D-55099 Universitaet Mainz                                       -
-                                                                      -
-     Thomas.Feser@uni-mainz.de                                        -
-     http://iphcip1.physik.uni-mainz.de/~tfeser                       -

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