[ROOT] fatal in operator delete

From: Renate Bornheim (renate@mail.lns.cornell.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 17:39:36 MET

Dear Rooters,

I work on a root interface for the existing analysis frame of the CLEO
collaboration and I have a persistent problem with a fatal in operator
delete. I can't post any code since the interface of several routines
and is totally dependent on the local structure, sorry. 
It's all C++ with calls to TH1, TNtuple, TDirectory etc in the end to
produce a root format output instead of hbook.
I get  " Fatal in <operator delete>: storage area overwritten " when
cleaning up the internal 'new's in my interface code.
I checked that I don't do anything like delete xxx; instead of delete []
xxx or explicit double deletion of one of my objects.
I also put several printouts in the source code, so I know this message
doesn't come from any of the destructors in routines like : TBuffer, TH1,
TDirectory ...

I'd like to know if anybody else experienced this error message?? 
.. where? how?  how did you solve it ?
ANY hint could be helpful !!
It only shows up on OSF, never appears on SUN !!!!!!   
I work with ROOT 2.25/03 .

What other internal root routines are called during the cleanup phase
?  I'd like to see the routine where this fatal is acutally produced in,
since this might give me a hint what's wrong in my code.
As far as I could see the error is produced in TStorage via the MEM_DEBUG
macro ? How can I modify the source code to get a print out telling me
from which routine the 'delete' error actually comes ??

Interesting enough: I can also produce this error when going through a
constructor of one of the interface routines during the stage of booking
all histograms / ntuples in my test program ...that is  long before the 
end and cleanup phase!
What kind of internal 'delete' in ROOT could be executed at that early
stage of the program ?

I know it's hard to say anything without seeing the code ... but thanks a
lot for trying !

Renate Bornheim

  _     _
 ( )_^_( ) -----------------------------------------*
  { . . }    Renate Bornheim
   \ * /     renate@mail.lns.cornell.edu
  / - - \
 /       \   Cornell University
(_}  o  {_)  Wilson Lab 
  |  _  |    
  (_) (_)  _________________________________________*

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