Hello rooters, I just wanted to draw an arrow between 2 pad to indicate something. I thought it was really easy, but it didnt worked at all! None of the arrow I draw was able to be over the pads, the drawing was always either contained into the selected pad (I understand) or, if I draw it in the canvas, my arrow is always below the pads, even if I draw it after. I still can make the pad transparent, but that not exacly what I want (and ineffective if other objects are embeded in the pad). Is there a way to achieve this ? Here is my code, comes partially from a generated code by ROOT: <<<<<< //toto { //=========Macro generated from canvas: c102/c102 //========= (Sun Feb 25 18:29:07 2001) by ROOT version3.00/05 TCanvas *c102 = new TCanvas("c102", "c102",245,378,600,392); arrow = new TArrow(0.5,0.7,0.4,0.2,0.03,"|>"); arrow->Draw(); c102->Modified(); c102->cd(); // ------------>Primitives in pad: c102p0 TPad *c102p0 = new TPad("c102p0", "Canva 102 Pad1",0.005,0.02485,0.495,0.99015); c102p0->Draw(); c102p0->cd(); TArrow *arrow = new TArrow(0.4,0.6,1.4,0.7,0.03,"|>"); arrow->Draw(); c102p0->Modified(); c102->cd(); // ------------>Primitives in pad: c102p1 c102p1 = new TPad("c102p1", "Canva 102 Pad2",0.505,0.02485,0.995,0.99015); c102p1->Draw(); c102p1->cd(); arrow = new TArrow(0.5,0.5,-0.6,0.4,0.03,"|>"); arrow->Draw(); c102p1->Modified(); c102->cd(); arrow = new TArrow(0.6,0.8,0.3,0.1,0.03,"|>"); arrow->Draw(); c102->Modified(); c102->cd(); } >>>>>> (ROOT version 3.00.05, on linux ix86) Yannick
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