Re: [ROOT] TGraph

From: Oliver Mang (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2001 - 03:25:28 MET

Hi Angela,

as you don't give an example of your code, I can only make a rough guess.
I assume your macro looks like this:
  TGraph mygraph(...);
In this case, the TGraph is created on the stack and exists only inside
the macro, i.e. it will disappear when the macro finishes execution. This
is normal C/C++ behaviour.
If you change your macro to

TGraph mygraph();
then mygraph will be a global object and 'survive' the end of macro
execution (even without being drawn). You should be able to locate it with
gROOT->FindObject() _if_ you named your TGraph with SetName() (TGraphs
have to have their names explicitly set).

Oliver Mang
HEGRA - High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy
Institut fuer Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, CAU Kiel
Phone: ++49/431/880-2482	E-Mail:
"The future is not what it used to be"

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