[ROOT] Tree

From: Anton Fokin (anton.fokin@smartquant.com)
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 17:10:58 MET

Hi Rene,

I've got the following strange result. The piece of code is (I simply read
the same entry three times)


  Index = 4;

  Int_t NBytes = fTradeIndexTree->GetEntry(Index);

  printf("NBytes = %d\n", NBytes);

  NBytes = fTradeIndexTree->GetEntry(Index);

  printf("NBytes = %d\n", NBytes);

  NBytes = fTradeIndexTree->GetEntry(Index);

  printf("NBytes = %d\n", NBytes);


the output:

NBytes = 4
NBytes = 1
NBytes = 1

I also see that I fill my fTradeIndex in the first read only.

If I insert

fTradeIndexTree->SetBranchAddress("TradeIndex", &fTradeIndex);

before every GetEntry(), I get right result.

fTradeIndexTree is simple:

UInt_t TradeIndex = 0;
TradeIndexTree->Branch("TradeIndex", &TradeIndex, "TradeIndex/i", 16*1024);

Any ideas how it can happen in principle? Any hints to trace the problem

Root3.05 on win98



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