From: Jeff Kallenbach (jeffk@fnal.gov)
Date: Tue Mar 13 2001 - 17:42:49 MET

The Fermilab Computing Division, along with the ROOT Development Team, will
host ROOT2001, the third Workshop on the use of ROOT by HENP Experiments. As
ROOT usage continues to grow among the HEP community, ROOT2001, building on
the success of ROOT 1999 and ROOT 2000, is intended to provide a forum where
developers and users of the product can convene to share the status of their
efforts and discuss the future.

The ROOT development team (Rene Brun, Philippe Canal, Masa Goto and Fons
Rademakers) will present the current status of ROOT development and support
and their plans for the future. We also hope to have representatives of the
various experiments using ROOT present to discuss their efforts.

The workshop www pages, at  http://www-root.fnal.gov/root2001/ , are now
functional.  Please come and visit and provide comments.

Jeff Kallenbach  |  Fermi National Accelerator Lab  |  Graphics,  X Windows
V: (630)840-2210 |          jeffk@fnal.gov          |    F: (630)840-6745

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