[ROOT] problem with OptStat and OptFit

From: Robert Feuerbach (feuerbac@ernest.phys.cmu.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 16 2001 - 20:55:51 MET


I've been trying to display only the name of my histograms, with:


however, I keep getting the same output. Why becomes obvious when looking
at THistPainter::PaintStat:

   if (stats) {
      dofit  = stats->GetOptFit();   
      dostat = stats->GetOptStat();
   } else {
      dofit  = gStyle->GetOptFit(); 
   if (!dofit) fit = 0;
   if (dofit  == 1) dofit  =  111;   // <--- overriding my choice
   if (dostat == 1) dostat = 1111;   // <--- overriding my choice


So if the SetOptStat(1) (just show the name) is being over-ridden and set
to whatever the hard-coded default is. I think this is just plain wrong...

Instead, declare in the TStyle class
  void  SetOptStat(Int_t stat = 1111);
  void  SetOptFit(Int_t fit = 111);

or better,

  static Int_t def_stat = 1111;
  static Int_t def_fit  =  111;
  void  SetOptStat(Int_t stat = def_stat);
  void  SetOptFit(Int_t fit = def_fit);

Could this be implemented?

Of course, if we were re-writing everything, we would have all sort of
constants defined, so we could do:
  gStyle->SetOptStat(TStyle::Show_Name | TStyle::Show_Mean); 
but I think that's a bit much to ask for.

Rob Feuerbach

 * Robert Feuerbach   feuerbac@ernest.phys.cmu.edu *
 * CMU Physics Department           (412) 268-2772 *
 * Pittsburgh, PA 15213        FAX: (412) 681-0648 *

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