[ROOT] Cut Definition and Command Draw

From: Annalisa De Caro (decaro@mail6.cern.ch)
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:47:31 MEST

   Hi rooters,
thank you at all for you answers to my question... but i think that i was
not very clear...

First problem:
This command lines are in a macro, that (in execution) ask me the value
for zmincut... then i do not know a priori his value!!! For example:
   TFile* file = new TFile("strip4_z2.root");
   TNtuple* ntuple=(TNtuple*)file->Get("h8;1");
   cout<<"Give me the zmincut, please ";

Second problem:
+And an other problem...
+When the command Draw (ntuple-Draw("Xpos"); or histogram->Draw();)is
+inside a macro, the histogram is plotted only when the macro is closed.
+And When the command Draw is inside a macro called by an other main
+macro, the histogram is plotted only when the main macro is closed. But
+how can i interact with the histogram (to draw a line where i want, for
+example), if i do not see him?

For example:
   cout<<'\n'<<"Give me the zmincut, please ";
   cout<<'\n'<<"Give me the zmaxcut, please ";
   ntuple->Draw("Iadc1","Zpos>zmincut && Zpos<zmaxcut");

If i understand, in cuts definition, the cut values can be numeric only!!!

  Thank you

*    University of Bologna    |                   |  decaro@bo.infn.it  *
*     Physics Department      | +39 051  20 91103 |                     *
*    University of Salerno    |                   |                     *
* Physics Sciences Department | +39 089  96 5359  |                     *
*       (INFN of Napoli)      |                   |                     *
*     CERN - EP division      |                   | decaro@mail.cern.ch *
*        (Bld.29 R019)        | +41  22  76 77767 |                     *

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