Dear Rene, I have the following error message when I try to use multiple cuts. Is possible to increse the upper limit of cut strings? Those multiple cuts are very usefull for a complex analysis. Thank you in advance! Sincerly Yours, Sorin ZGURA root [5] tree->Draw("0.5*(log((fT.fE+fT.fPz)/(fT.fE-fT.fPz)))","sqrt(fT.fPx*fT.fPx+fT.fPy*fT.fPy+fT.fPz*fT.fPz)>2 && sqrt(fT.fPx*fT.fPx+fT.fPy*fT.fPy+fT.fPz*fT.fPz)<4 && fT.fId==(-2212) && fPIm<5 && sqrt(fT.fPx*fT.fPx+fT.fPy*fT.fPy)<0.55 && sqrt(fT.fPx*fT.fPx+fT.fPy*fT.fPy)>0.15","hist", 117, 0); !!! User command too long !!! *** Break *** segmentation violation
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