[ROOT] Can't Clone my class

From: miha.puc@marvin.fmf.uni-lj.si
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 11:28:15 MEST

I'm new to roottalk.
So can anybody help me?
I wrote a class having the following data members:

class TFoonction : public TNamed {
   Int_t fNprs;
   Int_t fMyIdx;
   Int_t fMyIdxGlobal;
   Double_t fXmin, fXmax;
   TF1 *fCTFoonc;
   TF1 *fTFoonc;
   TList *fLst;
   TFoonction* fMoother;

If I try to clone an object of this class I get a segfault.
I rely on rootcint to generate the Streamer function.
I only tried if with compiled code. I use ROOT v 3.00/06 RH Linux 6.2.


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