[ROOT] node->SetLineColor(1)

From: Thomas Eberl (Thomas.Eberl@ph.tum.de)
Date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 18:48:18 MEST

Dear rooters,

I try to change the line color of a TNode that I draw in a TCanvas, but
I always get the default (white). The code is:
window = new TCanvas("Online_Monitor","Online_Monitor",800,800);
    window -> SetFillColor(17);
    window -> cd();
    cout<<node[0] ->GetLineColor()<<endl;
    node[0] -> SetLineColor(4);
    cout<<node[0] ->GetLineColor()<<endl;
    node[0] -> Draw();
    viewer = (TView *)  gPad->GetView();
    viewer-> RotateView(90,180);
    window -> Modified();

The output of the couts is 1 and after the change it is 4, but still I
see a "white" wire frame instead of a blue one. Why is this setting



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