[ROOT] h2root

From: Gernot Maier (maier@ik1.fzk.de)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 11:00:20 MEST

Hi ROOTers,

I have a simple question about h2root. After converting a ntuple to ROOT, I
receive the following output for the root-File:

TFile**         REAL-r01919f01_a.root  HBOOK file: REAL-r01919f01_a.hbook
converted to ROOT
 TFile*         REAL-r01919f01_a.root  HBOOK file: REAL-r01919f01_a.hbook
 converted to ROOT
   KEY: TTree    h5;2    SEL6
   KEY: TTree    h5;1    SEL6

Does it mean that I have two copies of my Tree h5 in the root-file?



Gernot Maier                    KASCADE Collaboration
Institut fuer Kernphysik        Tel. +49 (0) 7247 82-4174
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe     maier@ik1.fzk.de

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