Re: [ROOT] Setting Zaxis range in a 2D Histogram surface plot.

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 08:55:22 MEST

Hi Brendan,

To set the max/min on the axis depending on the bin contents:
  - y axis for a 1-d histogram h
  - z axis for a 2-d histogram h


Note that the arguments to TAxis::SetRange are bin numbers and not axis
coordinates. Use TAxis::SetLimits to define the axis boundaries using
axis coordinates.

Logically TAxis::SetLimits should have been used instead of
These names were chosen for historical reasons.

Rene Brun

By default the min and max are automatically computedBrendan Rankin wrote:
> Hello ,
> Here's a synopsis of what I'm doing....
> I define two histograms, like so:
> TH2F custErr("AtoY_cell_rise_custErr","Cell Rise Path A to
> Y",10,transBins,10,loadBins);
> TH2F smcErr("AtoY_cell_rise_SMCErr","Cell Rise Path A to
> Y",10,transBins,10,loadBins);
> After filling these with data, I get the maximum and minimum values from
> the custErr histogram:
> Float_t cust_max=custErr->GetMaximum();
> Float_t cust_min=custErr->GetMinimum();
> I am then using these values to set the Zaxis range in both histograms:
> smcErr.GetZaxis()->SetRange(cust_min,cust_max);
> smcErr.Draw("surf1zfb");
> custErr.GetZaxis()->SetRange(cust_min,cust_max);
> custErr.Draw("surf1zfb");
> Unfortunately, this doesn't impact what is drawn in the plot at all.
> The Zaxis is still sized, automatically, according to the data that is
> contained in each histogram, even though I've set this range manually.
> Am I not doing something correctly?  Or, is what I'd like to do even
> possible?
> Thanks, in advance, and Best Regards,
> - Brendan

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