Re: [ROOT] Fill TClonesArray with a TArrayI*

From: Valerie Halyo (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 02:33:28 MEST

I made a class that one of its member is a pointer to an Int*,
 Int_t*  Iarray;
Class foo(Int_t length,Int_t* Iarray);

In the class I created a pointer to a TArrayI*
and copied Iarray to my private array.

Once I set my foo class
I made a TClonesArray of many foo objects

and at the end I wanted to write it to a root file Tree.

The program compiled ok but when I started to run
the executable I got the following message

Warning in <TBranchClones::BranchClones>: Cannot process member:array

I dont understand if it is impossible to write that kind of
TClonesArray objects to a Tree or I am probably doing something wrong.

Thanks a  lot

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