[ROOT] scripting? (or whatever you call it?)

From: Ahmet Sedat Ayan (ayan@cms.physics.uiowa.edu)
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 15:32:45 MEST

Dear Rooters,

Let's assume I have 10 canvases (named c1, c2 ,...c10) each of
which has 10 pads (c1_1, c1_2,.., c1_10, c2_1, ......, c10_10). and I want
to plot histograms (lets say named as hh1_1,hh1_2, hh1_10, hh2_1,... etc)
on each pad. If it was PAW as in the old days, this would be as easy as, 

Do i=1,10
 Do j=1,10
	hi/pl hh[j]_[i]

How one would do this by ROOT rather than typing 100 lines of code to
plot and the same amount for canvas and pad changing as c1_1.cd() ? Or
this is quite an irrelevant approach with ROOT ,i mean handling that many
histos this way?


Ahmet Sedat Ayan		

Physics & Astronomy Dept.
Van Allen Hall    
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA, 52242
Voice      : (++ 1 319) 335-2832 (W) (GMT-6)      
Occupation : Ph.D Candidate (But still dreamer!)	
e-mail     : ayan@cms.physics.uiowa.edu
web        : http://home.cern.ch/ayan

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