Re: [ROOT] How to Print '#' in TLatex?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 15:19:09 MEST

Hi Martin,

Unfortunately, you do not specify which version of Root you use.

With the production version, you do not need any escape character for "#".
The character is only recognized where it makes sense, eg #alpha, #int, etc
See an example below with the corresponding Postscript output in the attachment.

   enum colors {bg, fg, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan};
   TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Simple Formulae",700,500);

   // create a 1-dim function object  (class TF1)

   TF1* exp    = new TF1("exp","[0]*exp(-[1]*x)", 0, 10);
   Double_t a1 = 2.;
   Double_t lambda = 0.5;
   exp->SetParameters(a1, lambda);
   exp->SetLineColor(red); exp->SetLineWidth(6);

   char buf[100];
   sprintf(buf, "#int^{4}_{2} a_{1} e^{-#lambda * x} = %f",exp->Integral(2,4));

   // create a Latex object and let it print the formula

   TLatex latex;                               
   latex.DrawLatex(3.5 ,1.3, buf); 

   // Create another function (class TF1) and overlay it

   TF1* fesin = new TF1("fesin",
                        "[0]*exp(-[1]*x) * abs(sin(2*x))", 0, 10);
   fesin->SetParameters(a1, lambda);
   fesin->SetLineColor(blue); fesin->SetLineWidth(6);

   latex.DrawLatex(3.5 ,0.8, "a_{1} e^{-#lambda * x} abs(sin(2x))"); 
   latex.DrawLatex(3.5 ,0.4, "comment #3"); 


Rene Brun

Martin Woudstra wrote:
> Hello rooters,
> Does anybody know how can I print out the '#' character in TLatex?
> The '#' appears on the screen, but not in the Postscript output file.
> Since '#' is an escape character in TLatex, I guessed that getting
> a '#' might be by '##', but this doesn't work either. Two '#'s appear
> on screen and none in the Postscript output file.
> Is the '#' supported in the Postscript output of TLatex (or was it overlooked maybe)?
> If not yet, I suggest the '##' syntax.
> Regards,
> Martin.

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