Re: [ROOT] TFX - suggestion

From: Miroslav Helbich (
Date: Fri May 18 2001 - 14:16:57 MEST

 Hi all,

  I have one problem, that I cannot solve. It regards writing an object
with and array of integers to the root tree. Let's say one has nclusters
in event and wants to save a variable cluster_size for each cluster. This
may vary from event to event. It is a very useful feature and definitely
doable since h2root converts hbook indexed blocks in desired way. I tried
to follow ROOT user's guide and failed. If I display values stored in 
int* arr it gives me plot with all values being 1. Why? Also Data members
have names fX,fY on the tree; how can I change these names?

 I couldn't get a support in our Collaborations since after experiencing
problems, people just quit using I/O. Maybe it is a problem of poor
documentation on the web.

The files are attached. I compile it this way

rootcint TestClassDict.cxx -c TestClass.h
g++ -O -Wall -fPIC -I$ROOTSYS/include -c TestClass.cxx
g++ -O -Wall -fPIC -I$ROOTSYS/include -c TestClassDict.cxx
g++ -shared -O TestClass.o TestClassDict.o -o

I'm using root Version   3.00/06 on Suse Linux


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