Re: [ROOT] Cygwin setup to install ROOT in Windows

From: Christian Holm Christensen (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 09:54:25 MEST

Hi Valeri et al, 

On Mon, 21 May 2001 21:53:42 -0400
"Valeri Fine" <> wrote
concerning ": [ROOT] Cygwin setup to install ROOT in Windows":
> Hello team, can you add a few lines to your page:

Uh, is this using the configure option "win32" or "win32egcs"? That
is, are we usng the Micros**t (Un)Visual C++ compiler/linker or is it
using GCC?  

Last time I tried to compile ROOT using Cygwin GCC, I got loads of
errors regarding missing functions (especially in the CINT code,
though it may not be Masa's problem) - one I can remember of the top
of my head was "unlink".  

So the question really is: Can ROOT be compiled with Cygwin GCC now? 
> to call the user's attention they have to "mount" Cygwin drive
> at once properly as follows:
> It says:
> You can avoid the ambiguity of Windows paths, and avoid
> typing "/cygdrive", by explicitly mounting drives to posix paths. For example: 
> 	bash$ mkdir /c
> 	bash$ mount c:/ /c
> 	bash$ ls /c

Another thing worth noticing, is that Cygwin will keep your mount
points from session to session (much like GNU/Hurd by the way), so you
in principle only need to do this once, that is when you install
Cygwin.  As of version 1.0 of Cygwin (the one after b20 I think), this
is done more or less for you.  There's a switch to "mount" that will
show you the mount table. 

> Then `/cygdrive/c/Windows' becomes `/c/Windows' which is a little
> less typing.  

To get a better Un*x-like feel, why not just do 

  prompt% mount c:/WINDOWS /usr/local/windows 
  prompt% mount c:/Program\ Files /usr/local/opt 

or something like that. 

Having said that, Valeri is right; cygdrive is only for last-resort
stuff.  Valeri, do you know if cygdrive is really a Translator, like
in GNU/Hurd?  It looks a bit like it is, and it would make sense too. 

> Hope this helps

What would be really need was to be able to compile ROOT with Cygwin
GCC (since that means we could compile our analysis software using GCC
and Autotools - well almost).  


Christian  -----------------------------------------------------------
Holm Christensen                             Phone:  (+45) 35 35 96 91 
  Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th.                  Office: (+45) 353  25 305 
  DK-2200 Copenhagen N                       Web:    
  Denmark                                    Email:

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