Re: [ROOT] Cygwin setup to install ROOT in Windows

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 16:30:27 MEST

I've added this information.

-- Fons

Valeri Fine wrote:
> Hello team, can you add a few lines to your page:
> to call the user's attention they have to "mount" Cygwin drive
> at once properly as follows:
> It says:
> You can avoid the ambiguity of Windows paths, and avoid
> typing "/cygdrive", by explicitly mounting drives to posix paths. For example:
>         bash$ mkdir /c
>         bash$ mount c:/ /c
>         bash$ ls /c
> Then `/cygdrive/c/Windows' becomes `/c/Windows' which is a little less typing.
> Hope this helps
>                               With my regards, Valeri

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