Re: [ROOT] RE:Complex problem

From: Brett Viren (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 23:30:26 MEST

Hi Jacek,

Jacek M. Holeczek writes:
 > Sorry Brett, but I don't think it is a good idea for the "cfloat" to
 > include itself. Thus, not only the typo in "#includce" should be changed,
 > but also the name of included file into "float.h".

The compiler will (ignoring the typo) first check any directories
given by a -I flag, then it will check in the standard list of system
directories (which includes /usr/include/g++-3 for g++).  Since
`root-config --cflags' doesn't list cint/include and checking the logs
of a recent build of root itself and not finding this, there won't be
any recursive inclusion.

But, if these are read by cint, and not g++/CPP, things may be

As I understand things, the reason for accessing old C headers like
this from C++ is to allow people to add #ifndef __cplusplus / extern
"C" protectors in order to get C++ name mangling correct with out
having to edit system header files.


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