Re: [ROOT] TSpectrum

From: Martin Veselsky (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 03:20:04 MEST

the answer may be in the following line in the TSpectrum::Search
source code 

for (i=0;i<size;i++) source[i] = hin->GetBinContent(i+1);

which seems to cause a shift by one channel down ( array source is input 
of Search1 function ) which is not reverted later. 

Btw you can better align your TH1F *hpx vs TGraph *gr 
( in your example they are shifted !!! ) by doing something like this   


  ofstream oufile("./peak.1.out") ;


  TH1F *hpx    = new TH1F("hpx","Peaks",npts,0.5,(Float_t) npts + 0.5);
  for (Int_t j=0 ; j<npts ; j++) hpx->SetBinContent(j,y[j]) ;
  for (Int_t j=0 ; j<npts; j++) 
  oufile<<j<<" "<<x[j]<<" "<<hpx->GetBinCenter(j)<<" "<<y[j]<<endl;


what aligns centers of bins to initial x-values ( see peak.1.out ). 
Then your example gives peak positions at 7 and 20 ( actually they are 
at 8 and 21 !!! ). 


On Tue, 29 May 2001, Antonio Kanaan wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to use TSpectrum to produce a list of peaks in spectra.  I
> produced a data file containing two peaks.  This is my code's output:
> root [0] 
> Processing search.cxx...
> Peaks found 2
> Peak at = 6.5
> Peak at = 19.5
> (int)0
> root [1] 
> Almost fine weren't for the peak positions.  They are actually at 7.5
> and 20.5.  I must be missing something but don't know what.  
> I copy here the code that does the peak finding using TSpectrum.  It
> reads the original x,y table (which is attached as a comment to the
> end of the code), converts it to a histogram (I must confess I am
> still struggling to understand the reason why everything in root uses
> histograms instead of arrays of values, but that's for another SOS
> message) then uses TSpectrum::Search to find the peaks.  Histogram,
> x-y table and peaks are shown on the canvas.  The red triangles show
> the found peaks which are off the peak by 1 unit.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated,
> Antonio
> ***************************************************************
> Antônio Kanaan
> Departamento de Física - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
> CP 476 --  CEP 88040-900  --  Florianópolis  --  SC  --  Brasil
>   e-mail:
> Phone: 55,48,3319069                       FAX  : 55,48,3319946
> ***************************************************************
> #include "TCanvas.h"
> #include "TGraph.h"
> #include <iostream>
> #include <fstream>
> using namespace std;
> const Int_t MAXNPT = 140; /* number of points */ 
> Float_t x[MAXNPT],y[MAXNPT],z ; /* data arrays */
> search()
> {
>   Int_t n,npts;
>   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","the fit canvas",800,600);
>   // fills up the x and y reading file "
>   ifstream infile("./peak.1") ;
>   n = 0 ;
>   while ( (infile >> x[n] >> y[n++]) ) 
>   npts = n;
>   TH1F *hpx    = new TH1F("hpx","Peaks",npts,0,npts);
>   for (Int_t j=0 ; j<npts ; j++) hpx->SetBinContent(j,y[j]) ;
>   hpx->Draw() ;
>   TSpectrum *sp1 = new TSpectrum();
>   sp1->Search(hpx,1.0,"") ;
>   Int_t npeaks = sp1->GetNPeaks() ;
>   cout << "Peaks found " << npeaks << endl ;
>   Float_t *peaks ;
>   peaks = sp1->GetPositionX() ;
>   for (j=0 ; j<npeaks ; j++)
>     cout << "Peak at = " << peaks[j] << endl ;
>   // creates a TGraph object to display the computed curves
>   TGraph *gr  = new TGraph (npts, x, y);
>   gr->Draw("C*") ;
>   return(0) ;
> }
> /*
> File peak.1 to be read by the above code:
> 0 10
> 1 10
> 2 10
> 3 10
> 4 10
> 5 20
> 6 30
> 7 50
> 8 100
> 9 50
> 10 30
> 11 20
> 12 10
> 13 10
> 14 10
> 15 10
> 16 10
> 17 10
> 18 20
> 19 30
> 20 50
> 21 100
> 22 50
> 23 30
> 24 20
> 25 10
> 26 10
> 27 10
> 28 10
> 29 10
> 30 10
> */

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