[ROOT] fClean not getting set in TThread - bug or mistake?

From: Peter Gallanis (peter@gallanis.com)
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 17:10:14 MEST

I've been trying to resolve a segmentation violation in a standalone thread application (Intel/Linux 7.1/Root 3.00/06).  It blows up in TPosixThreadCleanUp::TPosixThreadCleanUp apparently going through a chain of cleanup routines.  Line 126 attempts to call 'main'  which is an argument passed in by TPosixThread::CleanUpPush, which is apparently set from fClean.  However, in searching the source, I can not see anywhere that fClean is getting set, not in any of the constructors nor in Thread::Constructor.  The value being passed by TPosixThread::CleanUpPush fro mainis 0x4 (which certainly can explain the segmentation violation). Was I supposed to explicitly set a clean up routine?

BTW - root running the CalcPi demo also gets a segmentation violation as well, but that's a little more difficult to track with gdb, so I assume it's the same problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Peter Gallanis

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