[ROOT] rootcint problem

From: Reiner Rohlfs (Reiner.Rohlfs@obs.unige.ch)
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 14:09:17 MEST

Hi ROOTteam

I use rootcint to generate a dictionary but without the Streamer() method.
It worked fine for version 2.25, but now I'm using version 3.00/06 and 
rootcint generates a source code which cannot be compiled. I compile with SUN
workshop 6.1

These are the commands I use with the attached files:

rootcint -f dictionary.cpp rr.h LinkDef.h
CC -c -g -I/isdc_soft_platform/root/include dictionary.cpp

and this is the error message:
"dictionary.cpp", line 36: Error: R__RR_name is not defined.

Do I miss something or is this a bug in rootcint?

Thanks Reiner.

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