Re: [ROOT] ROOT data format

From: Valeri Fine (
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 16:15:47 MEST

 Dear shaun

You wrote:

> Is there some way of reading ROOT data files into a non-ROOT program,
> without linking to ROOT at all?
> another way of asking this: whats the data file format, in terms of its
> byte structure?

   ROOT is essentially (50%, Rene  correct me)  the package to read/write ROOT files
   Another way to asking your question "whether someone can  write his our package called 
   "ROOT"  that will be still "file" compatible  with the original  ROOT"

   Why not
   One team wrote this package why another team can not.
   Another question why do you need it ,  whether it worth to try ?

  With my best regards, Valeri

> cheers
> shaun

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