Re: [ROOT] TButton push eats macro variables

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2001 - 08:27:42 MEST

Hi David,

The variable in a macro must be a global variable if you want to access it
inside another macro.
Also make sure that you do not have gROOT->Reset() at the beginning
of your second macro. This will erase all CINT global variables

Rene Brun

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, David Faden wrote:

> Hi,
>    A click on a TButton drawn in compiled code seems to be erasing the 
> definitions of variables in the interpreted code that is calling the 
> compiled code. The TButton executes a command inspired by dialogs.C:
>  Char_t command[256];
>   sprintf(command,
> 	  "{TH1 *h__ptr = (TH1*)0x%x; h__ptr->GetXaxis()->UnZoom(); 
> h__ptr->GetYaxis()->UnZoom(); ((TPad*)0x%x)->Modified();}", histo, 
> displayPad);
>   TButton *resetButton = new TButton("Reset view", 
> 				     command, 0.025, 0.025, 0.5, 0.15);
>    A macro calls a method of our compiled class, which brings up a 
> TCanvas with a TButton in it. If the TButton is clicked and its method 
> executed, ROOT bombs out of the macro complaining of "No symbol xxxx in 
> current scope", where xxxx is the name of a variable defined in the macro.
>    I haven't been able to reproduce this problem in simpler, purely 
> interpreted code.
>    If a macro calls compiled code, which in turn executes some 
> interpreted code (via gROOT->ProcessLine() as TButton seems to), will 
> all variable declarations in the original macro be lost?
>    I have a couple of workarounds (probably more couth for compiled code 
> anyway), but I'm curious what's going on.
>    This code was run under ROOT 3.01/02 14 May 2001 under Red Hat Linux 
> 6.1 on an i386.
>    Thank you.
> David 

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