[ROOT] loading a shared library but not being able to use the classes in it

From: Armin Reichold (a.reichold1@physics.ox.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 19:36:41 MEST

Dear Rooter and Valerie
I am using ROOT 3.01.05 on windows 2000.
I have a set of classes I would like to use in root
I generate a dictionary for them like this:

rootcint -f MyDictionary.cxx MyClass1.h ..... MyClassN.h linkdef.h

During dictionary generation I get some warnings about Datamembers being
pointers to fundamental types and thus cint does not know their size but
since I don't need the streamers for the classes I don't really care I

my linkdef.h looks like this:
#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma ling off all globals;
#pragma ling off all classes;
#pragma ling off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class MyClass1;
#pragma link C++ class MyClassN;


I have compiled the classes into a dll (developer studio 6) wich I load into
an interactive root session with .L mylibrary.dll
I then try to use them and root complains that it does not know them like:
class, stuct, union or type MyClass1 not defined
Same error occurs if I try: .class MyClass1

However if I load the dll again it says:
warning in <Add>: class MyClass1 allready in in TClassTable

starting root I do get a funny message which says:
Warning in <TWinNTSystem::setProgname>: wrong Program Path
maybe that has something to do with my problems

this seems to be related to one of your latest messages to roottalk about
loading dll's under windows but I am not realy sure.

thansk for any help,
cheers Armin

* Dr. Armin Reichold            |  private:     *
* Research Officer              |  17 Frys Hill *
* University of Oxford          |  Oxford       *
* Particle & Nuclear Phys. Lab. |  OX4 7GW      *
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* E-Mail: a.reichold1@physics.ox.ac.uk          *
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