[ROOT] problems with h2root

From: Wolfgang Korsch (korsch@helium3.pa.uky.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 18:44:59 MEST

Hello ROOTers,
 using ROOT 3.01/05 on RH 7.1, I get the following error when I 
 try to convert an hbook file to a root file:

 RZOPEN. problems determining record length -  trying EXCHANGE mode.
 Converting directory //example
 Converting RWN with ID= 2, nentries = 1272448

 *** Break *** segmentation violation
Aborted (core dumped)

Using ROOT 3.00/06 compiled for RH 7.0 on the same system (RH 7.1) it works
w/o problems:

 RZOPEN. problems determining record length -  trying EXCHANGE mode.
 Converting directory //example
 Converting RWN with ID= 2, nentries = 15155
 Converting directory HEADERS
 Converting CWN with ID= 1001, nentries = 21
Creating branch:Comment, block:HDR_   1, fullname:Comment[4]/C, nsub=1, itype=5, isize=20, ielem=4

    + all the other info.

Did somebody else encounter this problem?

Thanks for any help.


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