Hi, the program below draws TGraphs in two TPads. The contents of the TGraphs changes inside a loop and I would like to display the new TGraphs after each change. The problem is that the axis range does not update automatically. How could I implement automatic update of axis ranges ? best regards Dirk Meier // { gROOT->Reset(); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","canvas bla",500,300);; TList *gList = new TList(); for(Int_t pk = 1; pk<=2; pk++) { gList->Add( new TGraph(3) ); } c->Divide(2,1); c->cd(1); gList->At(0)->Draw("AL*"); c->cd(2); gList->At(1)->Draw("AL*"); Char_t tName[20]; TPad *tPad; TIter tNextGraph(gList); TGraph *aGraph; for(Int_t i = 1; i<=600; i++) { Int_t pk=1; while (aGraph = (TGraph*)tNextGraph() ) { sprintf(tName,"c_%d",pk++); tPad = (TPad*)c->GetPrimitive(tName); cout << i << " " << tName << endl; Float_t value = gRandom->Rndm(); for(Int_t k = 1; k<=10; k++) { aGraph->SetPoint(k-1, k*value, k*value*value); } tPad->Modified(); // needed for notifying that graph and pad were changed tPad->Update(); // needed for displaying the current graph } tNextGraph.Reset(); } }
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