[ROOT] ROOT Consolidation Release 3.01/06

From: Rene Brun (Rene.Brun@cern.ch)
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 12:03:36 MEST

We are introducing today a consolidation release ROOT 3.01/06.
This version is backward(*) compatible with 3.01/05 and fixes a few
problems reported in the past few weeks, in particular in the TTree
classes. This version can also be compiled with gcc version 3 and
the latest IBM xlC compilers.

The source and binary tar files have been rebuilt for all major
platforms. The AFS versions will be replaced tomorrow morning.

(*) see item on TGFileDialog below.

Main Changes in the ROOT 3.01/06 consolidation release

- Classes like TLorentzVector (with a TVector3 inside) or TArrayD
  (deriving from an abstract class) were correctly split by 
  TTree::Branch() but TBranchElement::SetAddress() did not set
  the addresses correctly for the leaves in the contained classes
  (eg TVector3 or TArray).

- Code generated in case of an STL vector of string was not correct.

- TTree::CopyTree() now operational with TChains.

- A more robust procedure to initialize the dictionaries has been

- Some pointers in the TWin32 classes were not preset by the constructors.
- The latest version of CINT (5.15.06) has been introduced. This 
  new version fixes a few problems reported since the release of 3.01/05.
- A new test suite for the TTree query mechanism has been introduced.
  To use it, run $ROOTSYS/test/DrawTest.sh.
- A few improvements in the TPostScript class.
- Source can compile with gcc version 3
- This new version run with the very strict new IBM AIX/xlC 
  version 5 compiler.

- Change in TGFileDialog. In the TGFileInfo argument it is now possible
  to set the initial directory (fIniDir). On return this fIniDir is 
  set to the directory containing the selected file. This makes it easy
  to open the dialog again in the previously selected directory. For 
  an example see $ROOTSYS/test/guitest.cxx. To implement this change
  the TGFileInfo behaviour has changed in a backward incompatible way:
   1) the fFileTypes field is now "const char**" (was "char**").
      This change will generate a compiler warning so please pay attention.
   2) the fFilename and fIniDir strings are now deleted by the TGFileInfo
      dtor and not anymore in the user code. This change requires you to
      remove any "delete [] fi.fFilename" statements from your code.

For more details, see the Release notes at:

Rene & Fons

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