[ROOT] segmentation violation when closing a TFile

From: Olivier Meplan (meplan@isn.in2p3.fr)
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 13:06:20 MEST

Hi rooter,
I have a problem with a TFile..... This problem is only on a DEC and for
some particular event number in trees. Here is a part of my code
(EventConfig,EventFlash,... are class that I write).

int main(int argc, char** argv)
 TROOT flash("17/11/99", "flash");
        Int_t bufsize=1200000;
        Int_t split=1;

 TFile *fic_root;
 fic_root = new TFile("myfile.root", "RECREATE", "");

 ManipFlash *manip=new ManipFlash();

 ptree_config  = new TTree("CONFIG",argv[1]);
 ptree_flash   = new TTree("FLASH",argv[1]);
 ptree_ADCVME  = new TTree("ADC",argv[1]);
 ptree_echelle = new TTree("SCALE",argv[1]);

 event_config = new EventConfig();
 event_flash = new EventFlash();
 event_adcvme = new EventADCVME();
 event_echelle = new EventEchelle();

        TBranch *b_config
        TBranch *b_flash
        TBranch *b_ADCVME

  //filling the trees and then


 // THE PROBLEM IS THERE: segmentation violation on the


The problem is that there is a segmentation violation on DEC OSF1  V4.0
1091 alpha when the number of event in tree are

EVENT in FLASH tree:105192
EVENT in CONFIG tree:105178
EVENT in ADC tree:1.91289e+06
EVENT in SCALE tree:9.853e+07

whereas there is no problem for

 EVENT in FLASH tree:95627
 EVENT in CONFIG tree:95612
 EVENT in ADC tree:1.74011e+06
 EVENT in SCALE tree:8.95724e+07

Let me emphasis that on  Linux there is no such problem. My ROOT version
is 3.00/06.
What is wrong?

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