(no subject)

From: Min-Jeong Kim (mjkim@fnal.gov)
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 05:33:47 MEST

Dear all,

I might miss something, however I can't logically understand why
my lines cause a problem, maybe more. Please, correct me.

I am working with ROOT 2.24/04 on SGI. I have a large size of
data samples divided into around 35 root files which have been
"h2root"ed from PAW row-wise ntuples, and I would like to generate
a filtered sample from the data sample. I already know the number
of selected events is very small, let's say 200 events, so I want
to keep them as one root file. That was my first intention of this

At first, I made a chain from data files; and, set branch address
for several branches which are used for the candidate selection.
However, I would like to keep all branches in my new root file
for the selected events.

   TChain datachain("h300");


   Float_t  nhptm_d;
   Float_t  ezflag_d;
   Float_t  mzflag_d;

Second, I create new file; and, tried to clone only header from old tree.
Because the event selection would be done by some comparisons in the
later part of this file.

   TFile *filterdatafile = gROOT->FindObject("data_filter.root");
   if (filterdatafile) filterdatafile->Close();
   filterdatafile = new TFile("data_filter.root", "RECREATE",
                              "Filtered Data: the paris of Mu and Tau");

   TTree *filterdatatree = datachain->CloneTree(0);
==> I guess this line is not working. However, TTree is inherited as
    public to TChain, so that the public member of TTree, CloneTree,
    is able to be used, I think, in this way.

    message: *** Break *** segmentation violation

Third, I began the filtering by several comparisons:

   Int_t  ndataevents = Int_t(datachain->GetEntries());

   for (Int_t ev=0; ev<ndataevents; ev++) {


     if(nhptm_d>0) {

	 if((ezflag_d==0)&&(mzflag_d==0)) {






I might start from very wrong place far from my intention. Any
other suggestion or collection, both are welcome. Thanks.

 Min-Jeong Kim, CDF/Carnegie Mellon University, mjkim@fnal.gov

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