Re: [ROOT] Error in <RootX11IOErrorHandler> When Looking at Large Chains

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 13:27:25 MEST

Hi Lars,

   could you monitor the memory of the process while it executes.
If there is some huge leak it might run out of resources or overwrite
the X11 descriptors, or something overwrites them.

How long does the query over the chain take? Might there be some
timeout that closes the network connection to your Xserver?

Cheers, Fons.

lars ewell wrote:
> To Whom it May Concern,
>         I have recently been encountering a problem when I
> attempt to analyze ROOT chains.
>         This only happens when I attempt to analyze chains that
> are composed of large files (~gByte) so that the total
> chain is on the order of a few gBytes.  I am using ROOT version
> 3.00/02 and am running it on a VA Linux machine running
> RedHat 6.1.
>         What typically happens is that when I am waiting for a
> 'chain.Draw' command to be enacted, the canvas disappears.  Then
> I get an error in the ROOT window that says
> --------------------------------------------
>  root [16] chain.Draw("mom:emctc>>h2",c2&&c3&&c4&&c5&&c6&&c7&&c8&&c12);
> <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1
>  *** Break *** write on a pipe with no one to read it
> Error in <RootX11IOErrorHandler>: fatal X11 error (connection to server lost?!)
> **** Save data and exit application ****
> --------------------------------------------
>         What I have done to get around this problem is to split the
> files being analyzed into smaller chains.  However, this is a less
> than optimal solution.
>         Has anybody else encountered this problem and if so, was anybody
> successful is solving it?
>         Thanks in advance.
>         regards,
>         Lars
> --
> ______________________________________
>  Lars Ewell
>  Brookhaven National Laboratory
>  PHENIX Group
>  Physics Dept. 510C
>  Upton, NY 11973
>  Phone (631)344-7070
>  FAX   (631)344-3253
>  www
> _____________________________________

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