[ROOT] chaining ntuples.

From: Dmitri Litvintsev (litvinse@fnal.gov)
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 19:22:13 MEST

Hi ROOTers,

According to examples I do the folloging:

root [0] TChain chain("di-muon ntuple");
root [1] chain.Add("CA3871_jpsi.root");

I get this:

Error in <TChain::Add>: cannot find tree with name di-muon ntuple

although I am pretty sure that this ntuple exists in the file.

if I use TBrowser to open file I am able to get to that ntuple and
look into contents.

What am I doing wrong?

Dmitri Litvintsev

| Tel:       (630) 840 5005                                |
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