RE: [ROOT] Problem with identical branch names and "."

From: Magestro Daniel (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 11:06:25 MEST


Hi - you're right, the TClonesArray is read back correctly using the
tree4r() function in tree4.C.  Therefore, as you said, the problem is in the
TTree drawing.  The limitation seems to exist whenever a TClonesArray is
split and a "." is added to the TTree::Branch name of the class that
contains the TClonesArray, such as:

  t4.Branch("event_split.", "Event", &event,16000,99);

Thanks for your help (as always!),

|  Daniel Magestro        +44-6159-71-2147  |
|        GSI/Kernphysik I  |
|   Planckstr. 1      |
|    < last updated >     64291 Darmstadt   |
|    < Aug 6, 2001  >     Germany           |
| From: Rene Brun []
| Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 10:04 AM
| To: Magestro Daniel
| Subject: Re: [ROOT] Problem with identical branch names and "."
| Hi Daniel,
| I cannot reproduce this problem. Could you send me your version of tree4.C
| showing the problem? I tested this example. The TClonesArray is correctly 
| written and read back.
| However, there is a limitation in TTree::Draw (and the browser) in this
| particular case. We will fix it.
| Rene Brun
| Magestro Daniel wrote:
| > 
| > Hi - I am using the tree4.C macro in $ROOTSYS/tutorials (I'm using 
| > v3.01/06) which contains an example of split level = 99, and there 
| > seems to be a simple problem with the use of "." to indicate identical 
| > branch names.
| > .....
| > .....

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