Re: [ROOT] Problems with CINT and STL

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Sep 25 2001 - 17:08:50 MEST

Hi Tommaso,

If you declare 
   vector<Track> ve;  // a vector of Track objects
then you should fill with
  ve.push_back(*tr); and not (tr)

if you declare
vector<Track*> ve;  // a vector of Track pointers
you should fill with
Note that in your particular example, you use a slow procedure.
Using a TClonesArray of Tracks will be about 3 times faster in I/O.

Rene Brun

Tommaso Chiarusi wrote:
> Dear Rooters,
> I have problems as I try to build STL vector containing objects
> which are related to a compile Classes (
> When I was using the not-compiled class, i.e. the include files,
> it worked good!!!!!
> I explain myself better:
> I have my own class Track.h .
> I want to build a STL vector of Track objects,
> so I can do:
> #include <vector>
> #include "Track.h"  // as header of the ROOT macro
> ...
> vector<Track> ve;
> Track *tr=new Track(0.2,23.2);
> ve.push_back(tr);
> But now I need to retrieve tracks stored in a Tree, so I'm forced to use
> the compiled class library: I have produced the
> Then, omitting the #include "Track.h" , I do:
>     if(!TClassTable::GetDict("Track")){
>      gSystem->Load("mylib/");
>     }
>     vector<Track> ve;
> I make the usual opening of the Tree and addressing of the Track objects
>    TTree *myTree = (TTree*)file_root->Get("t1");
>    TBranch *myBranch = myTree->GetBranch("tracks");
>    Track *tr = new Track();
>    myBranch->SetAddress(&tr);
> and get the entries one by one looping over the
>   Int_t nevent = myTree->GetEntries();
> so:
>   for(Int_t i=0;i<nevent;i++){
>     myBranch->GetEntry(i); // get the track
>     ve.push_back(tr);
>     }
>  THIS FAILS!!!!!
> What can it be?
> Is it something related to some Errors in compiling my class?
> sorry if I disturb you again with a new problem.
> Thanks and Cheers!
> Tommaso

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