Hi, rooters: I wanna draw a few histograms together without margin between them, following macro could allow me to do that, but the drawback is that the plotting area in histograms with axis labels is smaller than that of histogram without axis labels, since some area along the left and bottom edge has to be left for labels/titles. --------- | 1 | 2 | area 1,3,4 is smaller than area 2. --------- | 3 | 4 | --------- Does anybody know a solution? Thanks! Aihong P.S. I am using ROOT 3.00.06 { gROOT->Reset(); TCanvas c1("c1","multipads",700,900); gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0); Float_t small = 1e-5; c1.Divide(2,2,small,small); TH2F h1("h1","test1",10,0,1,20,-1,1); TH2F h2("h2","test2",10,0,1,20,-1,1); TH2F h3("h3","test3",10,0,1,20,-1,1); TH2F h4("h4","test4",10,0,1,20,-1,1); c1.cd(1); gPad->SetBottomMargin(small); gPad->SetRightMargin(small); h1.Draw(); c1.cd(2); gPad->SetBottomMargin(small); gPad->SetRightMargin(small); gPad->SetLeftMargin(small); h2.Draw(); c1.cd(3); gPad->SetTopMargin(small); gPad->SetRightMargin(small); h3.Draw(); c1.cd(4); gPad->SetTopMargin(small); gPad->SetRightMargin(small); gPad->SetLeftMargin(small); h4.Draw(); }
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