[ROOT] Cint implements power? (** operator)

From: Bob McElrath (mcelrath@draal.physics.wisc.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 23:51:29 MEST

I don't know why this is implemented in Cint, but it was left out of C++
for good reason, and here it is:
    root [11] TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("hist-costheta");
    root [12] *hist = hist->GetBinWidth(1)**hist
    (const double)0.00000000000000000e+00
    root [13] 2**3
    (const int)8

The second statement (line 12) is not syntactically ambiguous in C++
because there is no ** operator.  Apparently it is in Cint, however...

Would it be possible to remove the ** operator from cint, and avoid this
ambiguity?  A ** operator could cause some very hard-to-track-down bugs.

-- Bob

Bob McElrath (rsmcelrath@students.wisc.edu) 
Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, Department of Physics

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