[ROOT] array of TClonesArray

From: Pierpaolo Righini (Pierpaolo.Righini@roma1.infn.it)
Date: Mon Oct 01 2001 - 16:10:50 MEST

I have to write a root tree with events containing, each one, many tracks
that are identical for what concerns the informations contained (i.e. the
class definition is the same for all of them) but that should be tagged
differently because they came from different part of the apparatus. So
I would like to see them splitted using for example the TTree viewer.  

I tried to do an array of TClonesArray with

TClonesArray *ftrack[36];

instead of
TClonesArray *f1track;
TClonesArray *f2track;
TClonesArray *f36track;

in my Event class, but it seems not to work properly. Is there the chance
to do that? Many thanks in any cases.


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