[ROOT] stl vector in a tree: questions

From: Mike Kordosky (kordosky@mail.hep.utexas.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 02:26:31 MEST


I am trying to read and write an stl vector in a tree.  I find that the
writing proccess seems to work ok, but reading the vector back in works in
a rather funny way.  Perhaps someone can comment and enlighten me a

Specifically, I find:

(1) The branch holding the vector does appear when I do a TTree::Print().
It is not empty.

(2) The Show command looks as follows:

root [3] CalTree->Show(1);
======> EVENT:1
 fEventSummary.fTrigger = 4
 fEventSummary.fSnarl = 2
 fEventSummary.fTimeFrame = 1
 fEventSummary.fFirstTimeStamp = 4606481
 fEventSummary.fLastTimeStamp = 4606503
 fEventSummary.fTimeSinceLastEvent = 4053579
 fEventSummary.fNHits = 18
 fEventSummary.fAdcSum = 6297
 fEventSummary.fPlanesHit = 5
 fEventSummary.fErrorFlags = 0
 fCerenkovHit.fValid = 0
 fCerenkovHit.fTimeStamp = 0
 fCerenkovHit.fAdc = 0
 fTofHit.fValid  = 0
 fTofHit.fTimeStamp = 0
 fTofHit.fTdc0   = 0
 fTofHit.fTdc1   = 0
 fTofHit.fTdc2   = 0
 fCosmicSummary.fNHits = 0
 fCosmicSummary.fAdcSum = 0
 fTriggerPmt.fAdc = 0
 fHits           = printing kStreamer case (500)

Here, fHits is vector<CalHit>.  CalHit is a rootified class (eg,
ClassDef(CalHit, 1), and so on).

(3) If I do tree->MakeClass("TestClass") I find that the generated class
does not have an fHits member.  It is completely omitted.  I attempted to
add it in by hand:

vector<CalHit> fHits;
TBranch* b_fHits;

root [0] gSystem->Load("libMapping.so");
root [1] gSystem->Load("TestClass_C.so");
root [2] TFile f("ByEvent11267.root");

WARNING, class:CalEvent StreamerInfo read from file:ByEvent11267.root
        has the same version:1 than the active class
        but a different checksum.
        You should update the version to ClassDef(CalEvent,2).
        Do not try to write objects with the current class definition,
        the files will not be readable.

(4) I then had a look at the TStreamerInfo for CalEvent:

root [5] TStreamerInfo* info = (CalEvent::Class())->GetStreamerInfo(1);
root [6] info->ls();

StreamerInfo for class: CalEvent, version=1
  CalEventSummaryfEventSummary   offset=  0 type=62
  CalCerenkovHitfCerenkovHit    offset= 44 type=62
  CalTofHit     fTofHit         offset= 60 type=62
  CalCosmicSummaryfCosmicSummary  offset= 84 type=62
  CalTriggerPmt fTriggerPmt     offset= 96 type=62
  vector<CalHit,__malloc_alloc_template<0> >fHits           offset=104
type=500 ,stl=1, ctype=61, ||
   i= 0, fEventSummary   type= 62, offset=  0, len=1, method=1091183484
   i= 1, fCerenkovHit    type= 62, offset= 44, len=1, method=1091183528
   i= 2, fTofHit         type= 62, offset= 60, len=1, method=1091183572
   i= 3, fCosmicSummary  type= 62, offset= 84, len=1, method=1091183616
   i= 4, fTriggerPmt     type= 62, offset= 96, len=1, method=1091183660
   i= 5, fHits           type=500, offset=104, len=1, method=1091183704
root [7]

(5) This offers the solution:

I must declare:

vector<CalHit, __malloc_alloc_template<0> > fHits;
and so on..

(6) Question 1:

I do not explicitly use  __malloc_alloc_template<0> anywhere.  A look at
stl_vector.h on my system shows:

template <class T, class Alloc = alloc>
class vector {...}

I gather that ROOT inserts __malloc_alloc_template<0> at some point in the
dictionary making proccess.  Must it do this?  I would like to use the
standard allocator if possible (SGI claims it is faster, for one thing).

If it must do this, could someone tell me why?  I am curious and am having
trouble finding comprehensive documentation.

(7) Question 2:

Any clue why fHits does not appear in the generated code?

Additional Info:

Root-v3.01.06, egcs 1.1.2, Linux 2.4.6, x86

Thanks for wading through this morass!

Mike Kordosky

Graduate Research Assistant  // High Energy Physics Lab
kordosky@hep.utexas.edu     // University of Texas at Austin
kordosky@fnal.gov	   //
ph: (512) 471-8426 (RLM Lab, Office)
    (512) 475-8673 (ENS Lab)

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