Re: [ROOT] signal/slots with multiple files

From: Brett Viren (
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 15:31:56 MEST writes:
 > I am trying to write a standalone GUI Program, using the Signal/Slot
 > mechanism of ROOT. I saw the examples, explaining how to compile one source file to
 > create a shared library and load it within the executable.
 > By now, I am using mutiple files and the function calls are spread through
 > them (e.g. for each class an own file). How can I compile the shared library
 > with ROOT in this case? And what are those dictionary files I keep hearing of?
 > Is there maybe some kind of tutorial for compiled code using the signals &
 > slots?

There is this:

The "dictionary" is the code which lets ROOT create an object given
its class name and is also needed for signal/slots.  You create it by
running rootcint on your header files and a LinkDef.h file which lists
the classes that rootcint should care about.  This creates a C++ file
with all the code ROOT needs to let your classes work and should get
compiled into your shared library.

You could look to test/guiviewer* files (and the Makefile) for a
compiled example.  This is only a single file example, but multiple
files aren't any different.  Just list all your classes in the
LinkDef.h file and give all corresponding .h's to rootcint when
running it.


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